HEaling Foods PRogram
Funded by Healthy food
for Denver Kids

Healthy food is a basic right for all.
This program is intended to provide local youth and families with children under 18 who are living in Denver with accessible, healthy food and education. We intend to bring our healing Native foodways to the youth in our community by providing an abundance of healthy food options and varied Indigenous-led education to local schools and allied organizations.
Our traditional Indigenous food systems were always rooted in a deep relationship between ourselves and the natural world. Our ancestors harvested wild plants for food and medicine, stewarded the land through careful tending practices, and saved precious seeds to ensure diversity and abundance for future generations. It is our mission to carry forth these ways of being in order to bring restorative healing to the next seven generations of youth. At Spirit of the Sun, we understand that food is medicine, and we want to share this knowledge with youth across Denver.
Please contact chenoa@spiritofthesun.org if you are interested in learning more about this exciting program!
Our Offerings
Sign up to receive a weekly Food Share
Facilitate your school or organization as a pick-up site for our Healing Food Bags
Host one of our classes based around Indigenous foodways, cooking, nutrition and land stewardship at your school
Sign up for our youth workshops and farm days